Tuesday, 25 September 2012


So you don't like it? 
You don't like my past? 
Screw You. 
I ain't proud or unproud of it 
Ain't dead or fucked up from it 
AM I? 

Screw you with your Method One Maintenance 
hitler shit 
Your chin-up-looking-down-your-nose at me shit, 
Fuck you with your 
"I never got addicted" shit 
What makes you so better 
Cos you never smoked a cigarette a 
Pound for every time I heard that, 

Yeah, I'm angry, 
Yeah I'm vexed 
Cos every day, another woman gets her kids 
state-snatched up 
And you'd be the next to say 
"But she's just smacked up" 
Don't help her, will you? 
Kindness won't kill you. 

Sittin' in your car at the traffic light 
See the beggar by the cash machine and drive 
on by 
Don't give a fuck 
Will ya 
Wasn't your bad luck, 
Cos helping might kill yer. 

Fuck you with your tough love, 
Your disown-your-own-kids love- 
Cos if love's so tough you'd bareknucke the 
And fuck you with your victimhood 
Cos ain't you heard of parenthood? 
You really love your daughter? 
You'd have swallowed your pride 

Does my anger make you jugde me? 
Does my swearing make you cringe? 
Does my tone of voice alarm you like a heroin 

So sad I didn't live up 
To your fucked up expectaions 
If you're down some day 
Just call me, yeah: 
With fuck all hesitation.


  1. That s a lot of anger in there Vee... :) but it's a good way to take it out ..

  2. Hey Shivi,
    Thanks for reading and commenting, much appreciated. Actually I remember trying to comment on one of your poems a while back but I wasn't sure if it posted. Anyway, I replied to you on Chapter Five of Gravediggin' last night as my phone won't let me comment on here. You write well, I love your poems.
    Love and Inspiration,
    Vee X
